I'm very grateful for everything I had now. I don't have anything else to ask for. Everything I had now already good enough for me. I have my beautiful family's, I've friends that always been there for me everytime I need them(even I don't have many friend sebab khalyza sgt kurang bergaul, but quality is more important than quantity) I've my Anugerah(which is my cat), he always there for me and will never leave me. Ive already find a job with a good salary even ada ramai yang menganggur after graduate, I've already make some plan what should I do for next year ( I will take driving license end of this year, and I would buy a car after that. I will continue my studies on March, maybe Bachelor in Operation Management. In shaa Allah.) .
Hopefully everything akan berjalan macam dirancang. So that I can make another plan for my future. Can't wait for it! Wish me luck guys😊😊😊
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