Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Oh! Hye

It's been two years I didnt touch my blog. Yaaa I missed blogging, but I'm super busy with my life  and I dont have time to blogging. But now, Im so excited to blogging again. I have so many story to write, to share.

Where to even begin on this post?

There are so many things happened, too many memories, too many stories to tell.  As usual, people come and go. People hurt me.  Laaa it's okay, I'm already used to it. LOL! But to be honest, its still hurt and this time I've been hurt so so bad.  Yes, I am still broken in some places, I am still healing.  Every wound or hurt takes time to heal, and having a broken heart is no different, right? Haha! Stop it Khalyza, this is your first post after 3 years! So enough with the emotional part.

Guess what?

Finally Ive graduate! Phewwww, and now Im working at Kajang with abah. Further study? Maybe yes, because Ive already applied and waiting for the result. Hope for the best. In shaa Allah:) .  Ohh!  Now I'm already joined hijabbista club. Haha! Yes,  Khalyza yang tobek sana-sini, tindik sana-sini, rambut warna-warni, Alhamdulillah dah berhijab:p . This is my new journey and my first step to learn to become a better muslim.  

I think that's all for this post, bagi summary-summary je dulu. Next post, cerita lagi mendalam dan sedalam-dalamnya. Haha!

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