Sunday, December 6, 2015


Two day to go. I will officially turned 23.  Since Im already 23, I'm not expecting anything for my birthday.  Nothing can suprise me anymore.  Three years ago, someone who is very important to me suprised me when he leave me on my birthday after wished me happy birthday. He left me after two years being together and a week after that he already found a new girlfriend.  What a suprise right?  He only takes a week to but it's takes 3 years for me to accept someone else in my life.

And after 3 years, finally I found someone that I taught will be my endless love.  Someone who make me feel something I never felt with others person.  Someone that make my heart beat rapidly when I see his face.  Someone that makes me fall in love with the same person everyday.  But I was totally wrong.  He left after everything we've been through together, after created so many memories together.  He suprised me when he turned to someone that I never knew anymore.  Maybe I'm not the one for him. Maybe I never been good enough for him.  And now my heart is totally broken, it feel like it shattered into a million pieces.  The pain I never felt before.

So after everything that I've been through, nothing can suprise me anymore.  I don't expect anything for my birthday.  I don't have anything to wish, but I want to thank to some people that never leave me.  Im promise to become someone better, someone who wont let you down 😊

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