Thursday, December 3, 2015

Good Choice for A Good Life

I've always said that I'm not ready to wear hijab.  Yes, I have intention to wear hijab, but Ive plan to start on next year.  To be honest, Ive intention to wear it since last year, but at that time I'm still smoking.  So I have decide that I will start wearing hijab after I quit smoking.  And Alhamdulillah this year I managed to quit smoking, but I still not ready to wear hijab.

But everything's changed, after everything that I've been through, I asked myself " Apa lagi yang tak kena? Apa lagi yang kurang? Why I cant be happy like anyone else? Why all this thing always happen to me? Why people always giving up on me?". All these question keep on playing in my mind.  

One day, someone said something that's make  me realize about everything.  She's says " Buat apa kita sibuk sangat nak jadi yang terbaik untuk someone yang belum tentu nak jadi terbaik untuk kita.  Kenapa kita tak cuba jadi hamba yang baik untuk Dia even kita tahu, Dia selalu beri yang terbaik untuk kita.  Jangan kejar benda yang belum tentu jadi milik kita.  Tengok diri kita betul-betul, dah sampai masa kita cuba jadi yang terbaik untuk diri sendiri."

Finally, I've understand.  All these year, Im trying so hard to be the best for someone tapi aku tak pernah cuba untuk jadi yang terbaik untuk diri sendiri.  Start dari situ, I'm try my best to become a better person, a better Muslim.  I finally decided to go for the new journey, wear the hijab.  It was the best choice I have ever had.  For the first time in my life I felt that I am a strong person now.  Because I will go for what I believe in, and I didn't care of what people  think of it, or how they will look at me, or what they want say about me.

I know I've made a good choice, because now I'm happy for myself:)

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